Talks and presentations

[2024-12-08] “Optimization-based operational space design for effective bioprocess performance under uncertainty”, AI for NetZero Conference, Exeter, UK. webpage

[2024-10-29] “Optimization-based operational space design for effective bioprocess performance under uncertainty”, AI for NetZero Webinars, online. video

[2024-09-17] “Discrete and mixed-variable experimental design with surrogate-based approach”, 7th Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry Symposium, Churchill College, Cambridge, UK. poster

[2024-09-06] “Designing robust operational space for bioprocess optimisation under uncertainty”, PSE Research Day, Imperial College London, London, UK. poster.

[2024-01-31] “Preference-based optimization”, IPSE Seminar, University of Surrey, Surrey, UK.

[2023-09-28] “Learning critical scenarios in feedback control systems for automated driving”, 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2023), Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain. webpage, slides

[2021-06-30] “Preference-based MPC calibration”, European Control Conference (ECC 21), virtual. webpage

[2020-09-09] “Preference-based MPC calibration”, AUTOMATICA.IT 2020 Workshop, virtual. video

[2019-09-12] “A general dynamic model of a complete milk pasteurizer unit with fouling and CIP models integrated”, DYSCO seminar, IMT Lucca, Lucca, Italy. webpage